DayOfTheWeek - перечисление

Specifies the day of the week.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка: Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public enum DayOfTheWeek


For the standard days of the week (Sunday, Monday...) the DayOfTheWeek enum value is the same as the System.DayOfWeek enum type. These values can be safely cast between the two enum types. The special days of the week (Day, Weekday and WeekendDay) are used for monthly and yearly recurrences and cannot be cast to System.DayOfWeek values.


Sunday0 Sunday
Monday1 Monday
Tuesday2 Tuesday
Wednesday3 Wednesday
Thursday4 Thursday
Friday5 Friday
Saturday6 Saturday
Day7 Any day of the week
Weekday8 Any day of the usual business week (Monday-Friday)
WeekendDay9 Any weekend day (Saturday or Sunday)

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