Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data - пространство имён



AcceptMeetingInvitationMessage Represents a meeting acceptance message.
AccountIsLockedException Represents an error that occurs when the account that is being accessed is locked and requires user interaction to be unlocked.
AddressEntity Represents an AddressEntity object.
AddressEntityCollection Represents a collection of AddressEntity objects.
AlternateId Represents an Id expressed in a specific format.
AlternateIdBase Represents the base class for Id expressed in a specific format.
AlternatePublicFolderId Represents the Id of a public folder expressed in a specific format.
AlternatePublicFolderItemId Represents the Id of a public folder item expressed in a specific format.
Appointment Represents an appointment or a meeting. Properties available on appointments are defined in the AppointmentSchema class.
AppointmentOccurrenceId Represents the Id of an occurrence of a recurring appointment.
AppointmentSchema Represents the schema for appointment and meeting requests.
ApprovalRequestData Represents approval request information.
ArchiveItemResponse Represents a response to a Move or Copy operation.
ArchiveTag Represents the archive tag of an item or folder.
Attachment Represents an attachment to an item.
AttachmentCollection Represents an item's attachment collection.
Attendee Represents an attendee to a meeting.
AttendeeAvailability Represents the availability of an individual attendee.
AttendeeCollection Represents a collection of attendees.
AttendeeInfo Represents information about an attendee for which to request availability information.
AttributedString Represents an attributed string, a string with a value and a list of attributions.
AttributedStringCollection Represents a collection of attributed strings
Attribution Represents an attribution of an attributed string
AttributionCollection Represents a collection of attributions
AutodiscoverLocalException Represents an exception that is thrown when the Autodiscover service could not be contacted.
AvailabilityOptions Represents the options of a GetAvailability request.
BasicAuthModuleForUTF8 Custom basic authentication module for non ascii user names
BatchServiceResponseExceptionTResponse Represents a remote service exception that can have multiple service responses.
ByteArrayArray Represents an array of byte arrays
CalendarActionResults Represents the results of an action performed on a calendar item or meeting message, such as accepting, tentatively accepting or declining a meeting request.
CalendarEvent Represents an event in a calendar.
CalendarEventDetails Represents the details of a calendar event as returned by the GetUserAvailability operation.
CalendarFolder Represents a folder containing appointments.
CalendarResponseMessageTMessage Represents the base class for accept, tentatively accept and decline response messages.
CalendarResponseMessageBaseTMessage Represents the base class for all calendar-related response messages.
CalendarView Represents a date range view of appointments in calendar folder search operations.
CancelMeetingMessage Represents a meeting cancellation message.
Change Represents a change as returned by a synchronization operation.
ChangeCollectionTChange Represents a collection of changes as returned by a synchronization operation.
ChangeHighlights Encapsulates information on the changehighlights of a meeting request.
ClientAccessTokenRequest Represents a client token access request
ClientApp Represents a app in GetAppManifests response.
ClientAppMetadata Represents a ClientAppMetadata object.
ClientCertificateCredentials ClientCertificateCredentials wraps an instance of X509CertificateCollection used for client certification-based authentication.
ClientExtension Represents a ClientExtension object.
CompanyInsightValue Represents the CompanyInsightValue.
CompanyInsightValueCollection Represents the collection of job insights.
CompleteName Represents the complete name of a contact.
ComplexProperty Represents a property that can be sent to or retrieved from EWS.
ComplexPropertyCollectionTComplexProperty Represents a collection of properties that can be sent to and retrieved from EWS.
ComputedInsightValue Represents the ComputedInsightValue.
ComputedInsightValueProperty Represents a computed insight value.
ComputedInsightValuePropertyCollection Represents a collection of computed insight values.
Conflict Represents a conflict in a meeting time suggestion.
Contact Represents a contact. Properties available on contacts are defined in the ContactSchema class.
ContactEntity Represents an ContactEntity object.
ContactEntityCollection Represents a collection of ContactEntity objects.
ContactGroup Represents a Contact Group. Properties available on contact groups are defined in the ContactGroupSchema class.
ContactGroupSchema Represents the schema for contact groups.
ContactPhoneEntity Represents an ContactPhoneEntity object.
ContactPhoneEntityCollection Represents a collection of ContactPhoneEntity objects.
ContactSchema Represents the schem for contacts.
ContactsFolder Represents a folder containing contacts.
Conversation Represents a collection of Conversation related properties. Properties available on this object are defined in the ConversationSchema class.
ConversationId Represents the Id of a Conversation.
ConversationIndexedItemView Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
ConversationNode Represents the response to a GetConversationItems operation.
ConversationNodeCollection Represents a collection of conversation items.
ConversationSchema Represents the schema for Conversation.
ConvertIdResponse Represents the response to an individual Id conversion operation.
CreateAttachmentException Represents an error that occurs when a call to the CreateAttachment web method fails.
CreateAttachmentResponse Represents the response to an individual attachment creation operation.
CreateRuleOperation Represents an operation to create a new rule.
DayOfTheWeekCollection Represents a collection of DayOfTheWeek values.
DeclineMeetingInvitationMessage Represents a meeting declination message.
DelegateInformation Represents the results of a GetDelegates operation.
DelegatePermissions Represents the permissions of a delegate user.
DelegateUser Represents a delegate user.
DelegateUserResponse Represents the response to an individual delegate user manipulation (add, remove, update) operation.
DeleteAttachmentException Represents an error that occurs when a call to the DeleteAttachment web method fails.
DeleteAttachmentResponse Represents the response to an individual attachment deletion operation.
DeletedOccurrenceInfo Encapsulates information on the deleted occurrence of a recurring appointment.
DeletedOccurrenceInfoCollection Represents a collection of deleted occurrence objects.
DeleteRuleOperation Represents an operation to delete an existing rule.
DelveDocument Represents the DelveDocument.
DictionaryEntryPropertyTKey Represents an entry of a DictionaryProperty object.
DictionaryPropertyTKey, TEntry Represents a generic dictionary that can be sent to or retrieved from EWS.
DiscoverySearchConfiguration Represents mailbox query object.
EducationInsightValue Represents the EducationInsightValue.
EmailAddress Represents an e-mail address.
EmailAddressCollection Represents a collection of e-mail addresses.
EmailAddressDictionary Represents a dictionary of e-mail addresses.
EmailAddressEntity Represents an EmailAddressEntity object.
EmailAddressEntityCollection Represents a collection of EmailAddressEntity objects.
EmailAddressEntry Represents an entry of an EmailAddressDictionary.
EmailInsightValue Represents the EmailInsightValue.
EmailMessage Represents an e-mail message. Properties available on e-mail messages are defined in the EmailMessageSchema class.
EmailMessageSchema Represents the schema for e-mail messages.
EmailUserEntity Represents an EmailUserEntity object.
EmailUserEntityCollection Represents a collection of EmailUserEntity objects.
EnhancedLocation Represents Enhanced Location.
EntityExtractionResult Represents an EntityExtractionResult object.
ExchangeCredentials Base class of Exchange credential types.
ExchangeServerInfo Represents Exchange server information.
ExchangeService Represents a binding to the Exchange Web Services.
ExchangeServiceBase Represents an abstract binding to an Exchange Service.
ExpandGroupResults Represents the results of an ExpandGroup operation.
ExtendedAttribute Class ExtendedAttribute
ExtendedAttributes Class ExtendedAttributes
ExtendedProperty Represents an extended property.
ExtendedPropertyCollection Represents a collection of extended properties.
ExtendedPropertyDefinition Represents the definition of an extended property.
ExtractedEntity Represents an ExtractedEntity object.
FailedSearchMailbox Represents failed mailbox to be searched
FileAttachment Represents a file attachment.
FindConversationResults Represents the results of an conversation search operation.
FindFolderResponse Represents the response to a folder search operation.
FindFoldersResults Represents the results of a folder search operation.
FindItemsResultsTItem Represents the results of an item search operation.
FindPeopleResults Represents the results of an Persona search operation.
Flag Encapsulates information on the occurrence of a recurring appointment.
Folder Represents a generic folder.
FolderChange Represents a change on a folder as returned by a synchronization operation.
FolderEvent Represents an event that applies to a folder.
FolderId Represents the Id of a folder.
FolderIdCollection Represents a collection of folder Ids.
FolderPermission Represents a permission on a folder.
FolderPermissionCollection Represents a collection of folder permissions.
FolderSchema Represents the schema for folders.
FolderView Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
GetAttachmentResponse Represents the response to an individual attachment retrieval request.
GetClientAccessTokenResponse Represents the response to a GetClientAccessToken operation.
GetClientExtensionResponse Represents the response to a GetClientExtension operation.
GetConversationItemsResponse Represents the response to a GetConversationItems operation.
GetDiscoverySearchConfigurationResponse Represents the GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration response.
GetEventsResults Represents a collection of notification events.
GetFolderResponse Represents the response to an individual folder retrieval operation.
GetHoldOnMailboxesResponse Represents the GetHoldOnMailboxes response.
GetItemResponse Represents a response to an individual item retrieval operation.
GetNonIndexableItemDetailsParameters Represents get non indexable item details parameters.
GetNonIndexableItemDetailsResponse Represents the GetNonIndexableItemDetails response.
GetNonIndexableItemStatisticsParameters Represents get non indexable item statistics parameters.
GetNonIndexableItemStatisticsResponse Represents the GetNonIndexableItemStatistics response.
GetOMEConfigurationResponse Represents the response to a GetOMEConfiguration operation.
GetSearchableMailboxesResponse Represents the GetSearchableMailboxes response.
GetUserAvailabilityResults Represents the results of a GetUserAvailability operation.
GetUserPhotoResults Represents the results of a GetUserPhoto operation.
GetUserRetentionPolicyTagsResponse Represents the GetUserRetentionPolicyTagsResponse response.
GroupedFindItemsResultsTItem Represents the results of an item search operation.
Grouping Represents grouping options in item search operations.
GroupMember Represents a group member.
GroupMemberCollection Represents a collection of members of GroupMember type.
HighlightTerm Represents an AQS highlight term.
ImAddressDictionary Represents a dictionary of Instant Messaging addresses.
ImAddressEntry Represents an entry of an ImAddressDictionary.
ImpersonatedUserId Represents an impersonated user Id.
IndexedPropertyDefinition Represents an indexed property definition.
InsightValue Represents the InsightValue.
InsightValueCollection Represents the collection of InsightValue.
InternetMessageHeader Represents an Internet message header.
InternetMessageHeaderCollection Represents a collection of Internet message headers.
Item Represents a generic item. Properties available on items are defined in the ItemSchema class.
ItemAttachment Represents an item attachment.
ItemAttachmentTItem Represents a strongly typed item attachment.
ItemChange Represents a change on an item as returned by a synchronization operation.
ItemCollectionTItem Represents a collection of items.
ItemEvent Represents an event that applies to an item.
ItemGroupTItem Represents a group of items as returned by grouped item search operations.
ItemId Represents the Id of an Exchange item.
ItemIdCollection Represents a collection of item Ids.
ItemSchema Represents the schema for generic items.
ItemView Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
JobInsightValue Represents the JobInsightValue.
JobInsightValueCollection Represents the collection of job insights.
KeywordStatisticsSearchResult Represents the keyword statistics result.
Mailbox Represents a mailbox reference.
MailboxHoldResult Represents mailbox hold result
MailboxHoldStatus Represents mailbox hold status
MailboxQuery Represents mailbox query object.
MailboxSearchScope Represents mailbox search scope object.
MailboxStatisticsItem Mailbox statistics item
ManagedFolderInformation Represents information for a managed folder.
ManagementRoles ManagementRoles
MarkAsJunkResponse Definition for MarkAsJunkResponse
MeetingCancellation Represents a meeting cancellation message. Properties available on meeting messages are defined in the MeetingMessageSchema class.
MeetingCancellationSchema Represents the schema for meeting messages.
MeetingInsightValue Represents the MeetingInsightValue.
MeetingMessage Represents a meeting-related message. Properties available on meeting messages are defined in the MeetingMessageSchema class.
MeetingMessageSchema Represents the schema for meeting messages.
MeetingRequest Represents a meeting request that an attendee can accept or decline. Properties available on meeting requests are defined in the MeetingRequestSchema class.
MeetingRequestSchema Represents the schema for meeting requests.
MeetingResponse Represents a response to a meeting request. Properties available on meeting messages are defined in the MeetingMessageSchema class.
MeetingResponseSchema Represents the schema for meeting messages.
MeetingSuggestion Represents an MeetingSuggestion object.
MeetingSuggestionCollection Represents a collection of MeetingSuggestion objects.
MessageBody Represents the body of a message.
MimeContent Represents the MIME content of an item.
MimeContentBase Represents the MIME content of an item.
MimeContentUTF8 Represents the MIME content of an item.
MobilePhone Represents a mobile phone.
MoveCopyFolderResponse Represents the base response class for individual folder move and copy operations.
MoveCopyItemResponse Represents a response to a Move or Copy operation.
MultiValueInsightContent Represents the MultiValueInsightContent.
NameResolution Represents a suggested name resolution.
NameResolutionCollection Represents a list of suggested name resolutions.
NonIndexableItem Represents non indexable item.
NonIndexableItemDetailsResult Represents non indexable item details result.
NonIndexableItemParameters Represents non indexable item parameters base class
NonIndexableItemStatistic Represents non indexable item statistic.
NormalizedBody Represents the normalized body of an item - the HTML fragment representation of the body.
NotificationEvent Represents an event as exposed by push and pull notifications.
NotificationEventArgs Provides data to a StreamingSubscriptionConnection's OnNotificationEvent event.
OAuthCredentials OAuthCredentials provides credentials for server-to-server authentication. The JSON web token is defined at http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-jones-json-web-token-03.txt. The token string is base64url encoded (described in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4648.txt, section 5). OAuthCredentials is supported for Exchange 2013 or above.
OccurrenceInfo Encapsulates information on the occurrence of a recurring appointment.
OccurrenceInfoCollection Represents a collection of OccurrenceInfo objects.
OnlineMeetingSettings Represents Lync online meeting settings.
OofReply Represents an Out of Office response.
OofSettings Represents a user's Out of Office (OOF) settings.
OrderByCollection Represents an ordered collection of property definitions qualified with a sort direction.
OutOfOfficeInsightValue Represents the OutOfOfficeInsightValue.
PagedView Represents a view settings that support paging in a search operation.
PeopleIndexedItemView Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
PeopleQueryContextKeys Lists different keys that can be passed to the people query context dictionary
PeopleQueryMode Represents the results of a People Index search operation.
PeopleQueryResults Represents the results of an Persona search operation.
PeopleQuerySource Lists the names of various sources of people
Person Represents the Person.
Persona Represents a Persona. Properties available on Personas are defined in the PersonaSchema class.
PersonaEmailAddress Represents an e-mail address.
PersonaEmailAddressCollection Represents a collection of persona e-mail addresses.
PersonaId Represents the Id of a Persona.
PersonaPostalAddress Represents PersonaPostalAddress.
PersonaSchema Persona schema
PersonInsight Represents the PersonInsight.
PersonInsightCollection Represents the collection of person insights.
PhoneCall Represents a phone call.
PhoneEntity Represents an PhoneEntity object.
PhoneEntityCollection Represents a collection of PhoneEntity objects.
PhoneNumberDictionary Represents a dictionary of phone numbers.
PhoneNumberEntry Represents an entry of a PhoneNumberDictionary.
PhysicalAddressDictionary Represents a dictionary of physical addresses.
PhysicalAddressEntry Represents an entry of an PhysicalAddressDictionary.
PolicyTag Represents the policy tag of an item or folder.
PostItem Represents a post item. Properties available on post items are defined in the PostItemSchema class.
PostItemSchema Represents the schema for post items.
PostReply Represents a reply to a post item.
PreviewItemMailbox Represents mailbox object for preview item.
PreviewItemResponseShape Represents preview item response shape
ProfileInsightValue Represents the ProfileInsightValue.
ProfileInsightValueCollection Represents the collection of profile insight values.
PropertyDefinition Represents the definition of a folder or item property.
PropertyDefinitionBase Represents the base class for all property definitions.
PropertyException Represents an error that occurs when an operation on a property fails.
PropertySet Represents a set of item or folder properties. Property sets are used to indicate what properties of an item or folder should be loaded when binding to an existing item or folder or when loading an item or folder's properties.
PullSubscription Represents a pull subscription.
PushSubscription Represents a push subscriptions.
Recurrence Represents a recurrence pattern, as used by Appointment and Task items.
RecurrenceDailyPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens a specific number of days after the previous one.
RecurrenceDailyRegenerationPattern Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of days after the previous one is completed.
RecurrenceIntervalPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens at a specific interval after the previous one.
RecurrenceMonthlyPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a specific day a specific number of months after the previous one.
RecurrenceMonthlyRegenerationPattern Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of months after the previous one is completed.
RecurrenceRelativeMonthlyPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a relative day a specific number of months after the previous one.
RecurrenceRelativeYearlyPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a relative day every year.
RecurrenceWeeklyPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on specific days a specific number of weeks after the previous one.
RecurrenceWeeklyRegenerationPattern Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of weeks after the previous one is completed.
RecurrenceYearlyPattern Represents a recurrence pattern where each occurrence happens on a specific day every year.
RecurrenceYearlyRegenerationPattern Represents a regeneration pattern, as used with recurring tasks, where each occurrence happens a specified number of years after the previous one is completed.
RecurringAppointmentMasterId Represents the Id of an occurrence of a recurring appointment.
ReferenceAttachment Represents an attachment by reference.
ResponseMessage Represents the base class for e-mail related responses (Reply, Reply all and Forward).
ResponseObjectTMessage Represents the base class for all responses that can be sent.
RetentionPolicyTag Represents retention policy tag object.
RetentionTagBase Represents the retention tag of an item.
Rule Represents a rule that automatically handles incoming messages. A rule consists of a set of conditions and exceptions that determine whether or not a set of actions should be executed on incoming messages.
RuleActions Represents the set of actions available for a rule.
RuleCollection Represents a collection of rules.
RuleError Represents an error that occurred as a result of executing a rule operation.
RuleOperation Represents an operation to be performed on a rule.
RuleOperationError Represents an error that occurred while processing a rule operation.
RuleOperationErrorCollection Represents a collection of rule operation errors.
RulePredicateDateRange Represents the date and time range within which messages have been received.
RulePredicates Represents the set of conditions and exceptions available for a rule.
RulePredicateSizeRange Represents the minimum and maximum size of a message.
SearchableMailbox Represents searchable mailbox object
SearchFilter Represents the base search filter class. Use descendant search filter classes such as SearchFilter.IsEqualTo, SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring and SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection to define search filters.
SearchFilterContainsSubstring Represents a search filter that checks for the presence of a substring inside a text property. Applications can use ContainsSubstring to define conditions such as "Field CONTAINS Value" or "Field IS PREFIXED WITH Value".
SearchFilterExcludesBitmask Represents a bitmask exclusion search filter. Applications can use ExcludesBitExcludesBitmaskFilter to define conditions such as "(OrdinalField and 0x0010) != 0x0010"
SearchFilterExists Represents a search filter checking if a field is set. Applications can use ExistsFilter to define conditions such as "Field IS SET".
SearchFilterIsEqualTo Represents a search filter that checks if a property is equal to a given value or other property.
SearchFilterIsGreaterThan Represents a search filter that checks if a property is greater than a given value or other property.
SearchFilterIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo Represents a search filter that checks if a property is greater than or equal to a given value or other property.
SearchFilterIsLessThan Represents a search filter that checks if a property is less than a given value or other property.
SearchFilterIsLessThanOrEqualTo Represents a search filter that checks if a property is less than or equal to a given value or other property.
SearchFilterIsNotEqualTo Represents a search filter that checks if a property is not equal to a given value or other property.
SearchFilterNot Represents a search filter that negates another. Applications can use NotFilter to define conditions such as "NOT(other filter)".
SearchFilterPropertyBasedFilter Represents a search filter where an item or folder property is involved.
SearchFilterRelationalFilter Represents the base class for relational filters (for example, IsEqualTo, IsGreaterThan or IsLessThanOrEqualTo).
SearchFilterSearchFilterCollection Represents a collection of search filters linked by a logical operator. Applications can use SearchFilterCollection to define complex search filters such as "Condition1 AND Condition2".
SearchFolder Represents a search folder.
SearchFolderParameters Represents the parameters associated with a search folder.
SearchFolderSchema Represents the schema for search folders.
SearchMailboxesParameters Represents search mailbox parameters.
SearchMailboxesResponse Represents the SearchMailboxes response.
SearchMailboxesResult Represents search mailbox result.
SearchPreviewItem Represents search preview item.
SearchRefinerItem Search refiner item
SeekToConditionItemView Represents the view settings in a folder search operation.
ServerBusyException Represents a server busy exception found in a service response.
ServiceId Represents the Id of an Exchange object.
ServiceLocalException Represents an error that occurs when a service operation fails locally (e.g. validation error).
ServiceObject Represents the base abstract class for all item and folder types.
ServiceObjectPropertyDefinition Represents a property definition for a service object.
ServiceObjectPropertyException Represents an error that occurs when an operation on a property fails.
ServiceObjectSchema Represents the base class for all item and folder schemas.
ServiceRemoteException Represents an error that occurs when a service operation fails remotely.
ServiceRequestException Represents an error that occurs when a service operation request fails (e.g. connection error).
ServiceResponse Represents the standard response to an Exchange Web Services operation.
ServiceResponseCollectionTResponse Represents a strogly typed list of service responses.
ServiceResponseException Represents a remote service exception that has a single response.
ServiceValidationException Represents an error that occurs when a validation check fails.
ServiceVersionException Represents an error that occurs when a request cannot be handled due to a service version mismatch.
ServiceXmlDeserializationException Represents an error that occurs when the XML for a response cannot be deserialized.
ServiceXmlSerializationException Represents an error that occurs when the XML for a request cannot be serialized.
SetClientExtensionAction Represents the SetClientExtension method action.
SetHoldOnMailboxesParameters Represents set hold on mailboxes parameters.
SetHoldOnMailboxesResponse Represents the SetHoldOnMailboxes response.
SetRuleOperation Represents an operation to update an existing rule.
SetUserPhotoResults Represents the results of a GetUserPhoto operation.
SingleValueInsightContent Represents the SingleValueInsightContent.
SkillInsightValue Represents the SkillInsightValue.
SkillInsightValueCollection Represents the collection of person insights.
StreamingSubscription Represents a streaming subscription.
StreamingSubscriptionConnection Represents a connection to an ongoing stream of events.
StringInsightValue Represents the StringInsightValue.
StringList Represents a list of strings.
SubscriptionBase Represents the base class for event subscriptions.
SubscriptionErrorEventArgs Provides data to a StreamingSubscriptionConnection's OnSubscriptionError and OnDisconnect events.
Suggestion Represents a suggestion for a specific date.
SyncFolderHierarchyResponse Represents the response to a folder synchronization operation.
SyncFolderItemsResponse Represents the response to a folder items synchronization operation.
SyncResponseTServiceObject, TChange Represents the base response class for synchronuization operations.
Task Represents a Task item. Properties available on tasks are defined in the TaskSchema class.
TaskSchema Represents the schema for task items.
TasksFolder Represents a folder containing task items.
TaskSuggestion Represents an TaskSuggestion object.
TaskSuggestionCollection Represents a collection of TaskSuggestion objects.
TextBody Represents the body of a message.
TimeSuggestion Represents an availability time suggestion.
TimeWindow Represents a time period.
TimeZoneConversionException Represents an error that occurs when a date and time cannot be converted from one time zone to another.
TimeZoneDefinition Represents a time zone as defined by the EWS schema.
TokenCredentials TokenCredentials provides credentials if you already have a token.
UnifiedMessaging Represents the Unified Messaging functionalities.
UniqueBody Represents the body part of an item that is unique to the conversation the item is part of.
UpdateInboxRulesException Represents an exception thrown when an error occurs as a result of calling the UpdateInboxRules operation.
UpdateItemResponse Represents the response to an individual item update operation.
UrlEntity Represents an UrlEntity object.
UrlEntityCollection Represents a collection of UrlEntity objects.
UserConfiguration Represents an object that can be used to store user-defined configuration settings.
UserConfigurationDictionary Represents a user configuration's Dictionary property.
UserId Represents the Id of a user.
UserPhotoSize Defines the different user photo sizes that can be requested
UserProfilePicture Represents the UserProfilePicture.
ViewBase Represents the base view class for search operations.
VotingInformation Represents voting information.
VotingOptionData Represents voting option information.
WebCredentials WebCredentials wraps an instance of ICredentials used for password-based authentication schemes such as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication.
WorkingHours Represents the working hours for a specific time zone.
WSSecurityBasedCredentials WSSecurityBasedCredentials is the base class for all credential classes using WS-Security.
X509CertificateCredentials X509CertificateCredentials wraps an instance of X509Certificate2, it can be used for WS-Security/X509 certificate-based authentication.


IFileAttachmentContentHandler Defines a file attachment content handler. Application can implement IFileAttachmentContentHandler to provide a stream in which the content of file attachment should be written.
IPeopleQueryResults Represents the results of an Persona search operation.
ISearchStringProvider Interface defined for types that can produce a string representation for use in search filters.
ITraceListener ITraceListener handles message tracing.


CustomXmlSerializationDelegate Defines a delegate that is used to allow applications to emit custom XML when SOAP requests are sent to Exchange.
ResponseHeadersCapturedHandler Delegate method to handle capturing http response headers.
StreamingSubscriptionConnectionNotificationEventDelegate Represents a delegate that is invoked when notifications are received from the server
StreamingSubscriptionConnectionSubscriptionErrorDelegate Represents a delegate that is invoked when an error occurs within a streaming subscription connection.


AffectedTaskOccurrence Indicates which occurrence of a recurring task should be deleted.
AggregateType Defines the type of aggregation to perform.
AppointmentType Defines the type of an appointment.
AvailabilityData Defines the type of data that can be requested via GetUserAvailability.
BasePropertySet Defines base property sets that are used as the base for custom property sets.
BodyType Defines the type of body of an item.
ChangeType Defines the type of change of a synchronization event.
ClientAccessTokenType Defines the type of ClientAccessTokenType
ClientExtensionProvidedTo Defines the type of ClientExtensionProvidedTo.
ComparisonMode Defines the way values are compared in search filters.
ConflictResolutionMode Defines how conflict resolutions are handled in update operations.
ConflictType Defines the conflict types that can be returned in meeting time suggestions.
ConnectingIdType Defines the type of Id of a ConnectingId object.
ConnectionFailureCause The ConnectionFailureCause enumeration
ContactSource Defines the source of a contact or group.
ContainmentMode Defines the containment mode for Contains search filters.
ConversationFlagStatus Defines the flag status of a Conversation.
ConversationQueryTraversal Defines the folder traversal depth in queries.
ConversationSortOrder Defines the order in which conversation nodes should be returned by GetConversationItems.
DateTimePrecision Defines the precision for returned DateTime values
DayOfTheWeek Specifies the day of the week.
DayOfTheWeekIndex Defines the index of a week day within a month.
DefaultExtendedPropertySet Defines the default sets of extended properties.
DelegateFolderPermissionLevel Defines a delegate user's permission level on a specific folder.
DeleteMode Represents deletion modes.
DisableReasonType Disable reason type
EffectiveRights Defines the effective user rights associated with an item or folder.
ElcFolderType Defines the folder type of a retention policy tag.
EmailAddressKey Defines e-mail address entries for a contact.
EmailPosition Defines the email position of an extracted entity.
EventType Defines the types of event that can occur in a folder.
ExchangeVersion Defines the each available Exchange release version
ExtensionInstallScope Defines the type of ExtensionInstallScope.
ExtensionType Defines the type of ExtensionType.
FileAsMapping Defines the way the FileAs property of a contact is automatically formatted.
FlaggedForAction Defines the follow-up actions that may be stamped on a message.
FolderPermissionLevel Defines permission levels for calendar folders.
FolderPermissionReadAccess Defines a user's read access permission on items in a non-calendar folder.
FolderTraversal Defines the scope of FindFolders operations.
FreeBusyViewType Defines the type of free/busy information returned by a GetUserAvailability operation.
GetUserPhotoStatus Defines the response types from a GetUserPhoto request
HoldAction Defines the hold action.
HoldStatus Defines the hold status.
IconIndex The values indicate the types of item icons to display.
IdFormat Defines supported Id formats in ConvertId operations.
ImAddressKey Defines Instant Messaging address entries for a contact.
Importance Defines the importance of an item.
ItemFlagStatus Defines the flag status of an Item.
ItemIndexError Item index error
ItemTraversal Defines the scope of FindItems operations.
LegacyFreeBusyStatus Defines the legacy free/busy status associated with an appointment.
LobbyBypass Online Meeting Lobby Bypass options.
LocationSource Source of resolution.
LogicalOperator Defines a logical operator as used by search filter collections.
MailboxSearchLocation Defines the location for mailbox search.
MailboxType Defines the type of an EmailAddress object.
MapiPropertyType Defines the MAPI type of an extended property.
MeetingAttendeeType Defines the type of a meeting attendee.
MeetingRequestsDeliveryScope Defines how meeting requests are sent to delegates.
MeetingRequestType Defines the type of a meeting request.
MeetingResponseType Defines the types of response given to a meeting request.
MemberStatus Defines the status of group members.
MessageDisposition Defines how messages are disposed of in CreateItem and UpdateItem operations.
Month Defines months of the year.
OffsetBasePoint Defines the offset's base point in a paged view.
OnlineMeetingAccessLevel Online Meeting Access Level options.
OofExternalAudience Defines the external audience of an Out of Office notification.
OofState Defines a user's Out of Office Assistant status.
PermissionScope Defines the scope of a user's permission on a folders.
PhoneCallState The PhoneCallState enumeration
PhoneNumberKey Defines phone number entries for a contact.
PhysicalAddressIndex Defines a physical address index.
PhysicalAddressKey Defines physical address entries for a contact.
Presenters Online Meeting Presenters options.
PreviewItemBaseShape Preview item base shape
ResolveNameSearchLocation Defines the location where a ResolveName operation searches for contacts.
ResponseActions Defines the response actions that can be taken on an item.
ResponseMessageType Defines the type of a ResponseMessage object.
RetentionActionType Defines the action of a retention policy tag.
RetentionType Defines the retention type.
RuleErrorCode Defines the error codes identifying why a rule failed validation.
RuleProperty Defines the available properties of a rule.
SearchFolderTraversal Defines the scope of a search folder.
SearchPageDirection Defines the page direction for mailbox search.
SearchResultType Defines the type of search result.
SendCancellationsMode Defines how meeting cancellations should be sent to attendees when an appointment is deleted.
SendInvitationsMode Defines if/how meeting invitations are sent.
SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode Defines if/how meeting invitations or cancellations should be sent to attendees when an appointment is updated.
SendPrompt The values indicate the types of item icons to display.
Sensitivity Defines the sensitivity of an item.
ServiceError Defines the error codes that can be returned by the Exchange Web Services.
ServiceObjectType Defines the type of a service object.
ServiceResult Defines the result of a call to an EWS method. Values in this enumeration have to be ordered from lowest to highest severity.
SetClientExtensionActionId Defines the type of SetClientExtensionActionId.
SortDirection Defines a sort direction
StandardUser Defines a standard delegate user.
SuggestionQuality Defines the quality of an availability suggestion.
SyncFolderItemsScope Determines items to be included in a SyncFolderItems response.
TaskDelegationState Defines the delegation state of a task.
TaskMode Defines the modes of a Task.
TaskStatus Defines the execution status of a task.
TeamMailboxLifecycleState TeamMailbox lifecycle state
TraceFlags Defines flags to control tracing details.
UserConfigurationDictionaryObjectType Identifies the user configuration dictionary key and value types.
UserConfigurationProperties Identifies the user configuration properties to retrieve.
ViewFilter Defines the view filter for queries.
WellKnownFolderName Defines well known folder names.