ExchangeServiceGetClientExtension - метод

Get the client extension data. This method is used in server-to-server calls to retrieve ORG extensions for admin powershell/UMC access and user's powershell/UMC access as well as user's activation for OWA/Outlook. This is expected to never be used or called directly from user client.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Exchange.WebServices.Data
Сборка: Tessa.Server (в Tessa.Server.dll) Версия:
public Task<GetClientExtensionResponse> GetClientExtension(
	StringList requestedExtensionIds,
	bool shouldReturnEnabledOnly,
	bool isUserScope,
	string userId,
	StringList userEnabledExtensionIds,
	StringList userDisabledExtensionIds,
	bool isDebug,
	CancellationToken token = default


requestedExtensionIds  StringList
An array of requested extension IDs to return.
shouldReturnEnabledOnly  Boolean
Whether enabled extension only should be returned, e.g. for user's OWA/Outlook activation scenario.
isUserScope  Boolean
Whether it's called from admin or user scope
userId  String
Specifies optional (if called with user scope) user identity. This will allow to do proper filtering in cases where admin installs an extension for specific users only
userEnabledExtensionIds  StringList
Optional list of org extension IDs which user enabled. This is necessary for proper result filtering on the server end. E.g. if admin installed N extensions but didn't enable them, it does not make sense to return manifests for those which user never enabled either. Used only when asked for enabled extension only (activation scenario).
userDisabledExtensionIds  StringList
Optional list of org extension IDs which user disabled. This is necessary for proper result filtering on the server end. E.g. if admin installed N optional extensions and enabled them, it does not make sense to retrieve manifests for extensions which user disabled for him or herself. Used only when asked for enabled extension only (activation scenario).
isDebug  Boolean
Optional flag to indicate whether it is debug mode. If it is, org master table in arbitration mailbox will be returned for debugging purpose.
token  CancellationToken  (Optional)

Возвращаемое значение

Collection of ClientExtension objects

См. также