public abstract class ExchangeServiceBase
Public MustInherit Class ExchangeServiceBase
public ref class ExchangeServiceBase abstract
type ExchangeServiceBase = class end
AcceptGzipEncoding | Gets or sets a value indicating whether GZip compression encoding should be accepted. |
ClientRequestId | Gets or sets the request id for the request. |
ConnectionGroupName | Gets or sets the name of the connection group for the request. |
CookieContainer | Gets or sets the cookie container. |
Credentials | Gets or sets the credentials used to authenticate with the Exchange Web Services. Setting the Credentials property automatically sets the UseDefaultCredentials to false. |
HttpHeaders | Gets a collection of HTTP headers that will be sent with each request to EWS. |
HttpResponseHeaders | Gets a collection of HTTP headers from the last response. |
KeepAlive | Gets or sets if the request to the internet resource should contain a Connection HTTP header with the value Keep-alive |
PreAuthenticate | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether HTTP pre-authentication should be performed. |
RequestedServerVersion | Gets the requested server version. |
ReturnClientRequestId | Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id. |
SendClientLatencies | Gets or sets a value indicating whether client latency info is push to server. |
ServerInfo | Gets information associated with the server that processed the last request. Will be null if no requests have been processed. |
Timeout | Gets or sets the timeout used when sending HTTP requests and when receiving HTTP responses, in milliseconds. Defaults to 100000. |
TimeZoneDefinition | Gets a time zone definition generated from the time zone info to which this service is scoped. |
TraceEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether tracing is enabled. |
TraceFlags | Gets or sets the trace flags. |
TraceListener | Gets or sets the trace listener. |
UseDefaultCredentials | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the credentials of the user currently logged into Windows should be used to authenticate with the Exchange Web Services. Setting UseDefaultCredentials to true automatically sets the Credentials property to null. |
UserAgent | Gets or sets the user agent. |
WebProxy | Gets or sets the web proxy that should be used when sending requests to EWS. Set this property to null to use the default web proxy. |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Унаследован от Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Унаследован от Object) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Унаследован от Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Унаследован от Object) |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Унаследован от Object) |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Унаследован от Object) |
OnResponseHeadersCaptured | Occurs when the http response headers of a server call is captured. |
OnSerializeCustomSoapHeaders | Provides an event that applications can implement to emit custom SOAP headers in requests that are sent to Exchange. |