ITempFileLinkProvider - интерфейс

Provider for creation file and file version temporary access tokens and accessing its content.
Makes no permission check. Use it if you are absolutely sure it's safe to do.


Пространство имён: Tessa.Content.Files
Сборка: Tessa (в Tessa.dll) Версия: 4.0.4
public interface ITempFileLinkProvider


CreateFileAccessLinkAsync Create temporary link to access a given file.
CreateFileAccessTokenAsync Create access token to a given file.
CreateFileVersionAccessLinkAsync Create temporary link to access a given file version.
CreateFileVersionAccessTokenAsync Create access token to a given file version.
CreateSaasAccessTokenAsync Create access token for SaaS.
GetFileContentAsync Get file content for given access token.
GetFileVersionContentAsync Get file version content for given access token.

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