WorkplaceExpressionConsts - класс

Константы для выражений рабочих мест


Пространство имён: Tessa.Views.Workplaces
Сборка: Tessa (в Tessa.dll) Версия:
public static class WorkplaceExpressionConsts
Object    WorkplaceExpressionConsts


Alias The alias.
Caption The caption.
CompositionId The composition id.
DisplayValue The display value.
DisplayValueFormat The display value format.
EmptyFoldersVisible The empty folders visible.
EnableAutoWidth The enable auto width.
ExpandedIconName The expanded icon name.
ExpandingMode The expanding mode.
FormatVersion The format version.
IconName The expanding mode.
Id The id.
IsNode The is node.
LeftSideWidth The left side width.
LinkedColumn The linked column.
LinkedParameter The linked parameter.
MultiSelect The multi select.
Name The name.
NodeClientVisibility The node client visibility.
OrderPos The order pos.
OwnerId The owner id.
ParentCompositionId The parent composition id.
RowCounterVisible Режим отображения счетчика строк
SearchQueryId The search query id.
SecondChildSize The split position.
SelectionMode The show in selection mode.
SetName The set name.
ShowMode The show in selection mode.
SourceParam The source param.
SplitPosition The split position.
SplitState The split state.
TreeVisibility The tree visibility.
Version The version.
Visibility Режим отображения подмножества
WorkplaceId The workplace id.

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