AppManagerUpdatingStrategyRunLauncher - метод

Осуществляет создание процесса приложения


Пространство имён: Tessa.UI.AppManager
Сборка: Tessa.UI (в Tessa.UI.dll) Версия:
public void RunLauncher(
	string launcherPath


launcherPath  String
Путь к приложению осуществляющему запуск диспетчера приложений




InvalidOperationException No file name was specified in the parameter's FileName property.-or- The UseShellExecute property of the parameter is true and the RedirectStandardInput, RedirectStandardOutput, or RedirectStandardError property is also true.-or-The UseShellExecute property of the parameter is true and the UserName property is not null or empty or the Password property is not null.
ArgumentNullException The parameter is null.
ObjectDisposedException The process object has already been disposed.
ArgumentException An element with the same key already exists in the DictionaryTKey, TValue.
FileNotFoundException The file specified in the parameter's FileName property could not be found.
Win32Exception An error occurred when opening the associated file. -or-The sum of the length of the arguments and the length of the full path to the process exceeds 2080. The error message associated with this exception can be one of the following: "The data area passed to a system call is too small." or "Access is denied."

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